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Representative Publications

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1. Modulating Cell Signalling In Vivo with Magnetic Nanotransducers


Gabriela Romero Uribe, Jimin Park, Florian Koehler, Arnd Pralle, and Polina Anikeeva, Nature Reviews Methods Primers, 2, 92 (2022)

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2. In situ electrochemical generation of nitric oxide for neuronal modulation

Jimin Park†, Kyoungsuk Jin†, Atharva Sahasrabudhe, Po-Han Chiang, Joseph H. Maalouf, Florian Koehler, Dekel Rosenfeld, Siyuan Rao, Tomo Tanaka, Tural Khudiyev, Zachary J. Schiffer, Yoel Fink, Ofer Yizhar, Karthish Manthiram, Polina Anikeeva, Nature Nanotechnology, 15, 690 (2020), Covered by MIT News, Nature Nanotech

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3. Remotely controlled proton generation for neuromodulation​


Jimin Park, Anthony Tabet, Junsang Moon, Po-Han Chiang, Florian Koehler, Atharva Sahasrabudhe, and Polina Anikeeva, Nano Letters, 20, 6535 (2020)

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4. Electrochemical modulation of carbon monoxide-mediated cell signaling


Jimin Park*, Joy S. Zeng, Atharva Sahasrabudhe, Kyoungsuk Jin, Yoel Fink, Karthish Manthiram, Polina Anikeeva, “Electrochemical modulation of carbon monoxide-mediated cell signaling”, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 60, 20325 (2021)

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5. Influence of magnetic fields on electrochemical reactions of redox cofactor solutions


Jimin Park*†, Florian Koehler†, Georgios Varnavides, Marc-Joseph Antonini, Polina Anikeeva, “Influence of magnetic field on electrochemical reactions of redox cofactor solutions”, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 60, 18295 (2021)

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6. Magnesium-corrosion triggered spontaneous generation of H2O2 on oxidized Ti for promoting angiogenesis​


Jimin Park, Ping Du, Jin-Kyung Jeon, Gun Hyuk Jang, Mintai Peter Hwang, Hyung-Seop Han, Kwideok Park, Kwan Hyi Lee, Jee-Wook Lee, Hojeong Jeon, Yu-Chan Kim, Jong Woong Park, Hyun-Kwang Seok, and Myoung-Ryul Ok, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 49, 14753 (2015), Covered by MK media

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7. Coordination Tuning of Cobalt Phosphates toward efficient water oxidation catalyst​


Hyunah Kim†,Jimin Park†, Inchul Park, Kyoungsuk Jin, Sung Eun Jerng, Sun Hee Kim, Ki Tae Nam, Kisuk Kang, Nature Communications, 6, 8253 (2015) 

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8. Hydrated Manganese (II) Phosphate (Mn3(PO4)2-3H2O) as a Water Oxidation Catalyst


Kyoungsuk Jin†, Jimin Park†, Joohee Lee, Ki Dong Yang, Sangbaek Park, Nam Hee Kim, Donghun Kim, Uk Sim, Donghyuk Jeong, Hae Lin Jang, Sangbaek Park, Donghun Kim, Nark-Eon Sung, Sun Hee Kim, Seungwu Han, and Ki Tae Nam, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 136, 7435 (2014), Covered by Digital times 

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9. A New Water Oxidation Catalyst : Lithium Manganese Pyrophosphate with Tunable Mn Valency


Jimin Park†, Hyunah Kim†, Kyoungsuk Jin, Byung Ju Lee, Yong-Sun Park, Hyungsub Kim, Inchul Park, Ki Dong Yang, Hui-Yun Jeong, Jongsoon Kim, Koo Tak Hong, Ho Won Jang, Kisuk Kang, and Ki Tae Nam, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 136, 4201 (2014). 

Full Publication List (Google Scholar)

After KAIST 


(1) Yeon Jae Jang .... Jimin Park*, "TBD", Submitted (2024)


(2) Atharva Sahasrabudhe, Laura E. Rupprecht, Sirma Orguc, Tural Khudiyev, Tomo Tanaka, Joanna Sands, Weikun Zhu, Anthony Tabet, Marie Manthey, Harrison Allen, Gabriel Loke, Marc-Joseph Antonini, Dekel Rosenfeld, Jimin Park, Indie C. Garwood, Wei Yan, Farnaz Niroui, Yoel Fink, Anantha Chandrakasan, Diego V. Bohórquez, Polina Anikeeva, "Multifunctional microelectronic fibers enable wireless modulation of gut and brain neural circuits", Nature Biotechnology, (2023)


Before KAIST (~2022)

First Author or Corresponding Author (*) Publications 


(1) Gabriela Romero Uribe, Jimin Park†, Florian Koehler, Arnd Pralle, and Polina Anikeeva, "Modulating Cell Signalling In Vivo with Magnetic Nanotransducers", Nature Reviews Methods Primers, 2, 92 (2022)


(2) Jimin Park*, Joy S. Zeng, Atharva Sahasrabudhe, Kyoungsuk Jin, Yoel Fink, Karthish Manthiram, Polina Anikeeva, “Electrochemical modulation of carbon monoxide-mediated cell signaling”, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 60, 20325 (2021)


(3) Jimin Park*†, Florian Koehler†, Georgios Varnavides, Marc-Joseph Antonini, Polina Anikeeva, “Influence of magnetic fields on electrochemical reactions of redox cofactor solutions”, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 60, 18295 (2021)


(4) Jimin Park†, Kyoungsuk Jin†, Atharva Sahasrabudhe, Po-Han Chiang, Joseph H. Maalouf, Florian Koehler, Dekel Rosenfeld, Siyuan Rao, Tomo Tanaka, Tural Khudiyev, Zachary J. Schiffer, Yoel Fink, Ofer Yizhar, Karthish Manthiram, Polina Anikeeva, “In situ electrochemical generation of nitric oxide for neuronal modulation”, Nature Nanotechnology, 15, 690 (2020)


(5) Jimin Park, Anthony Tabet, Junsang Moon, Po-Han Chiang, Florian Koehler, Atharva Sahasrabudhe, and Polina Anikeeva, “Remotely Controlled Proton Generation for NeuromodulationNano Letters, 20, 6535 (2020)


(6) Jimin Park†, Gun Hyuk Jang†, Yeon Wook Jung†, Hyunseon Seo, Hyung-Seop Han, Joonho Lee, Youngmin Seo, Hojeong Jeon, Myoung-Ryul Ok, Pil-Ryung Cha, Hyun-Kwang Seok, Kwan Hyi Lee, Yu-Chan Kim, “Tailoring H2O2 generation kinetics with magnesium alloys for efficient disinfection on titanium surface”, Scientific Reports, 10, 6536 (2020)


(7) Jimin Park†, Hyunseon Seo†, Hae Won Hwang, Jonghoon Choi, Kyeongsoo Kim, Goeen Jeong, Eun Shil Kim, Hyung-Seop Han, Yeon-Wook Jung, Youngmin Seo, Hojeong Jeon, Hyun-Kwang Seok, Yu-Chan Kim, Myoung-Ryul Ok, “Interface Engineering of Fully Metallic Stents Enabling Controllable H2O2 Generation for Antirestenosis”, Langmuir, 35, 10 (2019)


(8) Jimin Park†, Minjung Park†, Hyunseon Seo†, Hyung-Seop Han, Ji-Young Lee, Dongkyu Koo, Kyeongsoo Kim, Pil-Ryung Cha, James Edwards, Young-Woon Kim, Kang-Sik Lee, Myoung-Ryul Ok, Hojeong Jeon, Hyun-Kwang Seok, Yu-Chan Kim, “A new corrosion-inhibiting strategy for biodegradable magnesium: reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH)”, Scientific Reports, 8, 17743 (2018)


(9) Jimin Park†, Ki Dong Yang†, Na-Young Kim, Kang-Won Jung, Viet-Duc Le, Hee-Jin Lim, Junghyun An, Kyoungsuk Jin, Yong-Hyun Kim, Ki Tae Nam, DaeWon Moon, “Quantitative Analysis of Calcium Phosphate Nanocluster Growth Using Time-of-Flight Medium-Energy-Ion-Scattering Spectroscopy”, ACS Central Science, 9, 1253 (2018)


(10) Jimin Park†, Seul Kathy Ku†, Deok Won Seo, Kahyun Hur, Dmitry Shvartsman, Hojeong Jeon, David J. Mooney, Kangwon Lee, “Label-free bacterial detection using polydiacetylene liposomes”, Chemical Communications, 52, 10346 (2016). – Selected as an outside back cover


(11) Jimin Park, Ping Du, Jin-Kyung Jeon, Gun Hyuk Jang, Mintai Peter Hwang, Hyung-Seop Han, Kwideok Park, Kwan Hyi Lee, Jee-Wook Lee, Hojeong Jeon, Yu-Chan Kim, Jong Woong Park, Hyun-Kwang Seok, and Myoung-Ryul Ok "Magnesium-corrosion triggered spontaneous generation of H2O2 on oxidized Ti for promoting angiogenesis", Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 49, 14753 (2015)


(12) Hyunah Kim†, Jimin Park†, Inchul Park, Kyoungsuk Jin, Sung Eun Jerng, Sun Hee Kim, Ki Tae Nam, Kisuk Kang, “Coordination Tuning of Cobalt Phosphates toward efficient water oxidation catalyst”, Nature Communications, 6, 8253 (2015) 


(13) Jimin Park, Hyung-Seop Han, Yu-Chan Kim, Jae-Pyeong Ahn, Myoung-Ryul Ok, Kyung Eun Lee, Jee-Wook Lee, Pil-Ryung Cha, Hyun-Kwang Seok & Hojeong Jeon, “Direct and accurate measurement of size dependent wetting behaviors for sessile water droplets”, Scientific Reports, 5, 18150 (2015)


(14)Kyoungsuk Jin†, Jimin Park†, Joohee Lee, Ki Dong Yang, Sangbaek Park, Nam Hee Kim, Donghun Kim, Uk Sim, Donghyuk Jeong, Hae Lin Jang, Sangbaek Park, Donghun Kim, Nark-Eon Sung, Sun Hee Kim, Seungwu Han, and Ki Tae Nam, “Hydrated Manganese (II) Phosphate (Mn3(PO4)2-3H2O) as a Water Oxidation Catalyst”, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 136, 7435 (2014) 


(15) Jimin Park†, Hyunah Kim†, Kyoungsuk Jin, Byung Ju Lee, Yong-Sun Park, Hyungsub Kim, Inchul Park, Ki Dong Yang, Hui-Yun Jeong, Jongsoon Kim, Koo Tak Hong, Ho Won Jang, Kisuk Kang, and Ki Tae Nam, “A New Water Oxidation Catalyst : Lithium Manganese Pyrophosphate with Tunable Mn Valency, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 136, 4201 (2014). 


Co-Author Publications


(1) Anthony Tabet, Marc-Joseph Antonini, Atharva Sahasrabudhe, Jimin Park, Dekel Rosenfeld, Florian Koehler, Hyunwoo Yuk, Samuel Hanson, Jordan Stinson, Melissa Stok, Xuanhe Zhao, Chun Wang, Polina Anikeeva, “Modular integration of hydrogel neural interfaces”, ACS Central Science, 9, 1516 (2021)


(2) Marc-Joseph Antonini, Atharva Sahasrabudhe, Anthony Tabet, Miriam Schwalm, Dekel Rosenfeld, Indie Garwood, Jimin Park, Gabriel Loke, Tural Khudiyev, Mehmet Kanik, Nathan Corbin, Andres Canales, Alan Jasanoff, Yoel Fink, Polina Anikeeva, “Customizing Multifunctional Neural Interfaces through Thermal Drawing Process”, Advanced Functional Materials, 31, 2104857 (2021)


(3) Jin-Kyung Jeon, Hyunseon Seo, Jimin Park, Soo Ji Son, Yeong Rim Kim, Eun Shil Kim, Jong Woong Park, Woong-Gyo Jung, Hojeong Jeon, Yu-Chan Kim, Hyun-Kwang Seok, Jae Ho Shin, Myoung-Ryul Ok, “Conceptual Study for Tissue-Regenerative Biodegradable Magnesium Implant Integrated with Nitric Oxide-Releasing Nanofibers”, Metals and Materials International, 4, 1098 (2019)


(4) Hyung-Seop Han, Gun Hyuk Jang, Indong Jun, Hyunseon Seo, Jimin Park, Sion Glyn-Jones, Hyun-Kwang Seok, Kwan Hyi Lee, Diego Mantovani, Yu-Chan Kim, James R Edwards, “Transgenic zebrafish model for quantification and visualization of tissue toxicity caused by alloying elements in newly developed biodegradable metal”, Scientific Reports, 8, 13818 (2018)


(5) Jaeho Park, Hyung-Seop Han, Jimin Park, Hyunseon Seo, James Edwards, Yu-Chan Kim, Myoung-Ryul Ok, Hyun-Kwang Seok, Hojeong Jeon, “Corrosion behavior of biodegradable Mg-based alloys via femtosecond laser surface melting”, Applied Surface Science, 448, 424 (2018)


(6) Mintai P. Hwang, Ramesh Subbiah, In Gul Kim, Kyung Eun Lee, Jimin Park, Sang Heon Kim, Kwideok Park “Approximating bone ECM: Crosslinking directs individual and coupled osteoblast/osteoclast behavior”, Biomaterials, 103, 22 (2016)


(7) Indong Jun, Yong-Woo Chung, Jimin Park, Hyung-Seop Han, Jaeho Park, Saeromi Kim, Hyunjung Lee, Sang Hoon Kim, Hyunjung Kim, Hyun-Kwang Seok, Yu-Chan Kim, Hojeong Jeon, “Ultra-thin metal films with defined topographical structures as in vitro cell culture platform for unveiling vascular cell behaviors”, Advanced Healthcare Materials, 5, 2396 (2016)


(8) Ping Du, Muhammad Suhaeri, Ramesh Subbiah, Se Young Van, Jimin Park, Sang Heon Kim, Kwideok Park, Kangwon Lee, “Elasticity modulation of fibroblast-derived matrix for endothelial cell vascular morphogenesis and mesenchymal stem cell differentiation”, Tissue Engineering, 22, 415 (2016)


(9) Indong Jun, Yong-Woo Chung, Yun-Hoe Heo, Hyung-Seop Han, Jimin Park, Hongsoo Jeong, Hyunjung Lee, Yu Bin Lee, Yu-Chan Kim, Hyun-Kwang Seok, Heungsoo Shin, Hojeong Jeon, “Creating hierarchical topographies on fibrous platforms using femtosecond laser ablation for directing myoblasts behavior”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 8, 3407 (2016)


(10) Jee-Wook Lee, Hyung-Seop Han, Kyenog-Jin Han, Jimin Park, Hojeong Jeon, Myoung-Ryul Ok, Hyun-Kwang Seok, Jae-Pyeong Ahn, Kyung Eun Lee, Dong-Ho Lee, Seok-Jo Yang, Sung-Youn Cho, Pil-Ryung Cha, Hoon Kwon, Tae-Hyun Nam, Jee Hye Lo Han, Hyoung-Jin Rho, Kang-Sik Lee, Yu-Chan Kim  and Diego Mantovani, “Long-term clinical study and multiscale analysis of in vivo biodegradation mechanism of Mg alloy”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113, 716 (2016)


(11) Kyoungsuk Jin, Arim Chu, Jimin Park, Donghyuk Jeong, Sung Eun Jerng, Uk Sim, Hui-Yun Jeong, Chan Woo Lee, Yong-Sun Park, Ki Dong Yang, Gajendra Pradhan, Donghun Kim, Nark-Eon Sung, Sun Hee Kim, and Ki Tae Nam, “Partially Oxidized Sub-10 nm MnO Nanocrystals with High Activity for Water Oxidation Catalysis”, Scientific Reports, 5, 10279 (2015)


(12) Ki Dong Yang, Yoonhoo Ha, Uk Sim, Junghyun An, Chan Woo Lee, Kyoungsuk Jin, Younghye Kim, Jimin Park, Jung Sug Hong, Jun Ho Lee, Hye-Eun Lee, Hui-Yun Jeong, Hyungjun Kim and Ki Tae Nam, “Graphene Quantum Sheet Catalyzed Silicon Photocathode for Selective CO2 Conversion to CO”, Advanced Functional Materials, 26, 233 (2015) 


(13) Hae Lin Jang, Keunho Lee, Chan Soon Kang, Hye Kyoung Lee, Hyo-Yong Ahn, Hui-Yun Jeong, Sunghak Park, Seul Cham Kim, Kyoungsuk Jin, Jimin Park, Tae-Youl Yang, Jinhong Kim, Seon Ae Shin, Heung Nam Han, Kyu Hwan Oh, Ho-Young Lee, Jun Lim, Kug Sun Hong, Malcolm Snead, Jimmy Xu, Ki Tae Nam, “Biofunctionalized Ceramic with Self-Assembled Networks of Nanochannels”, ACS Nano 9, 4447 (2015)


(14) Jaeho Park, Hyung-Seop Han, Sunhee Lee, Jimin Park, Yu-Chan Kim, Myoung-Ryul Ok, Hyun-Kwang Seok, Seok Chung, Jee-Wook Lee, Hojeong Jeon “Improvement of coating adhesion ability on magnesium by femtosecond laser surface modification” European Cells and Materials, 30, 55 (2015)


(15) Hyung-Seok Jang, Jung-Ho Lee, Yong-Sun Park, Young-O Kim, Jimin Park, Tae-Youl Yang, Kyoungsuk Jin, Jaehun Lee, Sunghak Park, Jae Myoung You, Ki-Woong Jeong, Areum Shin, In-Seon Oh, Min-Kyung Kwon, Yong-Il Kim, Hoon-Hwe Cho, Heung Nam Han, Yangmee Kim, Yoon Ho Chang, Seung R. Paik, Ki Tae Nam, and Yoon-Sik Lee, “Tyrosine mediated two dimensional peptide assembly and its role as a bio-inspired catalytic scaffold”, Nature Communications, 5, 3665 (2014)


(16) Jung-Hoon Park, Chunghyun Park, HyeonSeung Yu, Jimin Park, Seungyong Han, Jonghwa Shin, Seung Hwan Ko, Ki Tae Nam, Yong-Hoon Cho, YongKeun Park, “Subwavelength light focusing using random nanoparticles”, Nature Photonics, 7, 454 (2013)


(17) Byung Seok Moon, Hee Seup Kil , Jun Hyung Park , Ji Sun Kim , Jimin Park, Dae Yoon Chi, Byung Chul Lee and Sang Eun Kim  “Facile aromatic radiofluorination of [18F]flumazenil from diaryliodonium salts with evaluation of their stability and selectivity”, Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 9, 8346 (2011)


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